Monday, November 24, 2008




上星期已聽到澳門及大陸派出包機接載本土人士返家,當中大陸的包機還請來市民夾道歡迎,若我是機客的話定必感動非常,那是國家愛人民的表現,姑勿論當中動機如何。不過,這個香港政府可能以為國泰那幾班專機可以解決問題,就抱著「人家做了我甭做」的官僚心態,還滿口官腔表示包機在當地著陸有他媽的困難 (註:網上有人以丈夫用塞車、很累等理由不去接下班的妻子作比喻,貼切至極),翌日便說會用包機接送港人,然後再送上兩個「好消息」:一,想搭機,盛惠一千一百大元。冇錢?唔便驚,「後數」;二,有港人在乘車到布吉途中遇難身亡。





Unknown said...

Though the government was not doing the best as they can in this scenario, what I was "impressed" and also "dislike" is that the media focused the response from 2 victims - the man from Macau and the "C9" of Hong Kong - who definitely are not the representatives of the whole batch of victims.

The Macau's man said sth like "YOUR Hong Kong Government is dumb...useless...etc...See how good is our Macau government~~~!!!" while the C9 said "what a shame of OUR Government and I will not pay the tax and also going to move to Macau...brabrabra....."

I would say the media is not objective enough to report the news and obviously this is what they have been doing over the past few years. When you open up a newspaper you will find headlines "blaming" / "scolding" the government everyday. Without throughout analysis over the controversial issue, pointing out the critical pros and cons of concerned policy, and most importantly suggestion viable solutions...I would only conclude this behaviour in 4 words - 潑婦罵街.

Sadly many of our "smart" citizens are being brainwashed day by day and whatever sensitive stimulus they received they will react reflectively saying "what the fuck is the government"...

We are undergoing a process of evolution from colony-governance to self-administration since 1997, what don't know when will the process "end" or "close to end" but something in certain is the "陣痛" we have to take in the process.

wongdull said...
