Sunday, July 29, 2007


心情鬱悶,決定投向清新派的懷抱,故在日前一氣購入 Amiina (有關樂評可按這裡)、yaneka(家根嘉)及 RF & Lili De La Mora 的《Eleven Continents》(圖)。誠然前兩者碟的確很不俗,但教我聽得舒服不過的始終都是《Eleven Continents》。

RF & Lili De La Mora 其實是 Ryan Francesconi's 和 Lili De La Mora's 的二人美國組合,前者主理音樂,後者以清澈的歌聲帶動音樂,好的音樂(組合)就是可以如此簡單。




Through the trees

Listen and drive while you talk
I listen and dirve while you talk
about home, the weather

while autumn leaves descend sao gracefully
lights up your face alive with color
this filtered light from above

Your images pour through a hole in my head
no reason , rhyme, nonetheless you're confident

Come let's stop the car, get lost for a while
arm in arm we'll weave our dreams through the trees
let my silence speak for me

Perhaps you could be, a bridge
between what we perceive and believe

Sunbeam come again, play your game

Sunbeam play your game of light
through our eyes

Perhaps you could be, a bridge
between what we perceive and believe

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